Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pursuit of Happiness

I don't think we'll ever be fully satisfied with our current situation, because achieving happiness is always half the pleasure. Once we are at a point of comfort and content, we immediately look to the next level of happiness to strive for, and it seems that there is a never ending cycle of working towards something better.


  1. I've been told different things on this subject, and had innumerable discussions. The fact is, there are people who can get to a place where they're happy. They're safe, they're secure, their needs are fulfilled, whatever. Some of us live for the search, some of us live for the moment, and some of us live for the memory. In reality, the true experience is made up of all three.

  2. ^ That's a pretty good answer. Apart from that though, I think that you need some sort of unhappiness in your life to have happiness. You'll never know how high you are unless you experience a low. I really just don't believe there is a such thing as "true happiness" because hapiness and sorrow go hand in hand. You can get extremes of each opposite but you need a little bit of one to achieve the other.
