First, it should be "The people for which happiness..." Or for whom, actually.Also, I disagree. Very, very strongly. More on that later, though; I've got to finish this birthday card. I will get back to you on this.
^ Good grammar's overrated.I could agree with this in some cases but there's a different world in each person, the statement is just too much of a generalisation for me to agree wholeheartedly.. and I'm usually the cryptic one. haha
Well, we busted out of class/ Had to get away from those fools/ We learned more from a 3-minute record, baby/ Than we ever learned in school.- Bruce Springsteen
First, it should be "The people for which happiness..." Or for whom, actually.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I disagree. Very, very strongly. More on that later, though; I've got to finish this birthday card. I will get back to you on this.
^ Good grammar's overrated.
ReplyDeleteI could agree with this in some cases but there's a different world in each person, the statement is just too much of a generalisation for me to agree wholeheartedly.. and I'm usually the cryptic one. haha