I want to talk about credibility, as well as address some of the people who have criticized some of my statements about the influence certain people can have on you, notably idols in the form of "celebrities". The things I have written here, especially the past few posts, were written with the intent to share some of the ideals I try to live by, hopefully inspiring the (few) people who read this blog to better their own lives, or at least learn a successful way to deal with stress or anger. However, the way I write could be perceived as putting myself on a "high horse", or implying that my way of thinking is right, and what I say should be followed. This is not my intent at all, and i stress that this is understood, because I am in no way trying to promote my way of thinking or living, or tell someone what to do. I am simply writing thoughts that I have, things that may possibly help others, if they choose to read and accept it. I do not want people to read this as a self help column, or a blog that is boasting my own persona. I try to be as modest as I can be, and I realize that true humility and modesty are hard to achieve, especially when talking about yourself. So, in saying that, I would also like to talk about credibility, and the actual affect of what I write.
It is not uncommon to gain inspiration from a celebrity, commonly a musician, actor, or athlete. This is usually only because these people are quoted by the media, and their words and philosophies reach far more people than say, something a teenager says in a class discussion. The question I ask myself is though, do we listen to what the celebrity says because of their credibility versus the ordinary high school student? And if so, how has this credibility been achieved? I know some very intelligent people who's ideals are brilliantly conceived, and certainly as interesting as anything a movie star could say. However, the difference is, that these young people, who are not known by the world, or even by people outside their own town, are unheard voices. And yet their ideas may coincide, or something that the young, unknown person says may outweigh the celebrity's in terms of intelligence or intellectuality. I'm saying that something that a person says that I may find interesting or thought provoking, with good chance others may find it that way too, will often go unheard to people who may very well need those exact words to help them in their own personal struggle.
The idea is, that there is inspiration to be found from anyone around you, celebrity or not. I am not saying to completely disregard what your idols say, and only listen to your friends. However, I think a lot of people go by what their idols say, and only that, while ignoring what may possibly be a more interesting or helpful topic brought up by one of their friends. We need to constantly keep our eyes open for inspiration from any source possible, whether it be a celebrity, or someone who lives next door to us. The question you should ask yourself however, is if you are following this advice because it comes from a celebrity who has achieved social credibility, or from someone who has truly gained your personal respect. Personally, my greatest source of inspiration has come from two people, both celebrities, who have certainly achieved social credibility, for many reasons. I cannot stress enough though, that the reason I am so affected by these people, and am constantly inspired and amazed by them, is not because they have achieved "greatness" in society's view, or because they are portrayed as positive, inspirational people. I have truly been affected by them, and their social status has never once came into play when I have been inspired by something they say or do. And while they have been the most inspirational factors in my life, that is not to say I have not found appreciation and inspiration by people close to me, or things that are in my own life. I have definitely been inspired by people around me, that I know personally, and I find inspiration in many things, not only "celebrities" that I do not know personally. Hopefully this is clear, and it is not perceived that I live in a fantasy world where I only act on the decisions made by my "celebrity" idols. I act on what I personally feel is right, or what I personally feel is what i want to do. The person that I am has been affected by these two people the most, among other things, but ultimately, the way I think and act is because I strive on acting for myself, and not others. I try harder than anything else to be my own person, and not someone who is affected negatively by those around me. And again, I am not trying to promote myself in any way, or imply that I am better or live above than anyone else.
I do not know exactly how people take what I write, or if they agree/disagree with it. I would like to think that is has helped someone, but I simply write to better express myself, because at least knowing my words are out there, gives some satisfaction to knowing I may be helping someone. No one will ever be able to express their true being to someone else through words, but I would like people to know that I have more depth than what is often perceived.
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It is perhaps easier to identify through someone known because we do not personally know them so we can't be directly disappointed if they do something bad.